
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Monday 9 December 2013

Picture-Another clue!

The Christmas bauble of space!
Not really, its just a
clue to the next

The James Webb Telescope

The James Webb telescope (named after the former NASA administrator) is a space telescope to be launched in 2018. It will replace the Hubble telescope.

The James Webb telescope has cutting edge technology equipped and a space dock to hold shipments of supplies or astronauts. It mainly uses infrared and with this technology it will be able to see forming stars look into the early universe. At the moment, NASA in running the project but other companies such as the
European space agency are also contributing. It was announced in 2008 and when launched, will be operated by huge numbers of astronomers.

That is it for today. Remember to check out the Youtube channel:

Sunday 8 December 2013

Picture-Space debris

A concern for many Astronomers and Environmentalists

Hubble telescope

Now the Hubble telescope is a brilliant telescope that has provided the most beautiful pictures, including the picture on the home page.  It was launched into low orbit by a space shuttle in 1990, however it was supposed to be launched in 1983 but could not find enough funding and there were some technology malfunctions. It will be in service until 2018 where the James Webb telescope will replace it.

The Hubble space telescope
The Hubble telescope has been fundamental to Astrophysics like helping Astronomers to work out the universe is expanding and more recently, dark energy. Its light spectrum goes from near Infrared to visible to near ultraviolet. During its lifetime, it has had many parts fixed, replaced and added. It had also had many small spacecrafts dock at it as well. Overall, it has cost a whopping 2.5 billion dollars to build and maintain. It is the second most expensive object to be put in space, the first being the international space station which  costs a huge amount of 150 billion dollars!

Well this is it for today. I hope you enjoyed it and check back tomorrow. Also check out the Youtube channel:

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Picture-A clue!

Just a clue for the next post!

Voyager 2

Sorry I've been away... no excuses. Anyway I'm back and be sure to check out the new universe daily youtube channel. I will post the URL at the end.

Voyager 2 was an unmanned spacecraft that was sent into space in 1977. Its mission was to study the outer solar system and then interstellar space. It carries a gold disc should it ever be found by intelligent life and it contains photos of Earth and its lifeforms and a medley of the Earth containing many natural noises such as a whale song, a crying baby etc. Voyager 2 is now moving at 15,428 km/s. It was disbanded in 1989, however it still sends transmissions and scientists still locate where about it is.

Ok guys that is it for today. The youtube channel url is

Sunday 29 September 2013

Picture-Martian rock

Pioneer 10 and 11

Pioneer 10 was launched in 1972 to go to Jupiter, while pioneer 11 was launched a year later in the same direction. They were both launched from a Atlas/centaur/TE364-4 launch vehicle.

Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to take pictures of Jupiter, along with other measurements such as magnetic field and radiation. It travels at 82,000 miles per hour. It was also the first spacecraft to go through the asteroid belt, which back then was an incredible achievement. Pioneer 10 was ended in 1997, but it surpassed Pluto's orbit, which means it could be outside the solar system!

Not much is known about pioneer 11, which is unfortunate, but it was shut down in 1995 when it broke.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

picture-All the galaxy clusters

Voyager 1

This year, Voyager 1 was the first man-made space craft to exit the solar system after 36 years of travelling at sixty five thousand kilometers per second!. It was launched in September 1977 and has taken photographs of the outer planets, many of which we see today. These include, the first photo of Neptune and Uranus.

Voyager 1 is equipped with a gold plate, with a phonograph, explaining the diversity of life on Earth.

This is the new topic-satellites and voyagers. Check in tomorrow for pioneer 10 and 11. Also string theory will come later on, its just really hard to get a grasp of.

Friday 13 September 2013

Picture-Orion Constellation

blue and red stars are orion

Theory-nothing exists

This is not really to do with space, but it can tie into it. The theory states that nothing exists (also know as solipsism), and everything is an illusion, apart from you and your mind. A famous philosopher, Rene Descartes said "I think, therefore I am" which meant he existed. The external world, others, even if it does exist, cannot be known. Which could mean, this blog is an illusion, and the universe, but you are you.

O.K. This is getting too deep, if it went any deeper, we'd hit the core! I might not post tomorrow, but it depends on the circumstances. See you!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Picture-The sky in 4 billion years

When Andromeda collides with us, we'll see this!

Theory- Multi-verse theory

Brian and Stewie in a disney
This is my favourite theory. You might have seen this in Family Guy, but it actually is a real theory!

It states that there are infinite universes other than the one we live in. It also says that everyone is different in the tiniest way to the largest way possible, for example, the world could be made out of chocolate or pizza (big) or my computer screen is one inch wider (small).

Another small post! The smaller than usual posts are just a build up to string theory... the theory of modern physics, it will be in two parts and may take a while to be posted, so while you wait, put in suggestions for other theories.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Picture-Hubble deep field

Universe daily's cover photo. Each light is a galaxy!

Theory- life on Europa?

Again this will be quite shorter than the other posts because its quite short, however I might go on about the possibility that there was life on mars, so without further-a-do, lets go.

Jupiter's moon, Europa
Europa is one of Jupiter's moons. It is thought there is a ocean underneath its icy surface heated by volcanoes underwater. This was thought when sulphur traces were found on it's moon. Europa also emitted infrared signal which could mean that frozen bacteria is on its surface, many scientists believe this is why Europa has a red tinge in it's surface.

Mars has been thought to have once had life on it, furthermore some scientists claim life came from Mars to Earth. Past rovers on Mars have discovered smoothed down rock, meaning water eroded away to make a river bed. Mars also has ice caps just like Earth, astronomers think that if they drill down into ice, they may find preserved bacteria!

That's today's theory, post suggestions on the one for tomorrow. See you!

Sunday 25 August 2013

Picture-kepler 22b

The first habitable planet

How the universe could end

I think I've already done this, so if I have, count this as a re-post.

There a several theories of how the universe could end, but the main three are the big crunch, the big rip and the big freeze. The big crunch states that the universe will start to contract until it collapses in on its self. The big rip is when dark energy takes over dark matter and the expansion of the universe goes so fast that it rips everything apart, starting with the biggest objects. The final theory is the big freeze, where the stars will eventually burn out and the galaxies will eventually fade out until there is nothing left in the universe.

All of these won't happen for trillions of years which means we'll all be dead by then.

I can't post for around a week due to some events that have happened, but until them, good bye

Friday 23 August 2013

Picture- Cosmic Background Radiation

Oscillating universe theory

This is a basic theory to start off. This theory states that the universe goes into a periodic cycle. It has the big bang, and ends with the big crunch or any other theory in which the universe gets obliterated. If this theory is correct then this universe is fourth of fifth along in the line of universes.

Richard Tolman thought of this theory.

Sorry this is short, it was quite a basic theory so not much detail went into it.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Picture- earth from the moon

Remnants of a star

A Black Hole
After a star dies, it takes many forms and as usual, depending on its size and class. The lower class stars fizzle out into a white dwarf which then  takes billions of years to eventually die. For higher class stars, the core collapses into a neutron star. Sometimes it forms a protostar which has cosmic rays spewing out of both its poles. The biggest stars can collapse under its own gravity and make a black hole.

During the death of lower class stars, they expand into a red giant. These stars can form naturally but are extremely rare. Anyway, there are quite a few of these which used to be like our sun. In fact, out sun will become a red giant in five billion years!

Well that's it, for the whole star topic, I wanted to do the star topic until I thought of a big one. Its going to be theorems about the universe.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Picture- O class star

The blue light is an
O class star

The death of a star

After a certain amount of time, a star runs out of hydrogen. The size and class of a star decides how long a star lasts, with the M class stars lasting the longest and O class dying the fastest. Anyway, when the hydrogen stores are depleted, it will move on to helium, and burn that, until it reaches the element iron, which starts the death.

The type of death depends on its size and class. M and K classes just fizzle out, but G and F expand into one hundred times its size before shrinking into a white dwarf, but the big stars- A,B and O have very violent deaths. The core expands until the outer material of the star explodes into space. Sometimes the core collapses to become a neutron star. This is a supernova. Another possibility is a black hole. This is when a star collapses under its own gravity!

This post is done now! Make sure to share this blog on facebook and twitter and smash that google like button!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

picture-Red and Dead galaxy

This galaxy has many dead stars. This is why
its called a red and dead galaxy.

Birth of a star

A star is born in a nebula, a cloud of hot gas, sometimes from a dead star. There are several types of nebulae and these include an emission nebula, dark nebula, planetary nebula and many more. A star forms when the cloud of gas collapses into a dense ball. 
Artists impression of
a T class star

After it has collapsed and more gas has swirled into it, nuclear fusion starts, if the star fails to star it becomes a brown dwarf which are classes L,T,Y. More gas continues to go into the star until it stops growing. The star is born and now creates a gravitational pull to form gas giants and create terrestrial planets. 

Monday 19 August 2013


This is a supernova from hundreds
of years ago

Star classification

So yesterday, we went a bit into star classification but there is more to it.

So the smallest star is a red colour and goes as low as 2,500 kelvin and is M class. Next is K and it is a orange colour star and goes up to 5,200 kelvin, then G, which is what our sun is. G stars are yellow and temperatures can go as high as 6000 kelvin, then F stars which are a white-yellow colour and temperatures can be as hot as 7,500 kelvin, following that are the A class stars which are white in colour. They can be extremely hot at 10,000 kelvin. Second to last is B, they are white-blue and can reach 33,000 kelvin in temperatures. Finally is class O which is blue and can go over 60,000 kelvin.

So they're the main classes, but there are sub- classes as well. They contain numbers ranging from 0-9 and roman numerals from I to V. The numbers are in tenths to the next star class. The Roman Numerals measure the size of the star which shows how much light it gives out.

Sunday 18 August 2013

picture- a Quasar

The light seen from here is 10,000,000 years


The sun taken by NASA
A star is a ball of hot gas and plasma reaching temperatures of up to 25,000 kelvin but can go as low as 2,500 kelvin. Stars can be classified by their colour and size by letter these go from: M at the lowest then K,G,F,A,B and then O at the highest, but we will go into more detail later in the topic.

A star has different layers beginning  with the corona , the next is the Chromosphere  which is the only thing to be seen during a total solar eclipse, then its the photosphere and is the visible bit, following that is the Convective zone, after that is the radioactive zone and finally is the core, which reaches 30 million fahrenheit

Well that's the introduction, I know I've touched on stars before, but now its in detail so tomorrow will be the birth of a star so tune in.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Facebook page

There is a facebook page for universe daily with updates on posts and discussions. If you want to join feel free.

Picture-the crab nebula

Famous astronomers- Urbain le Verrier

Urbain le Verrier
Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier was born on the 11th March 1811 and died 23rd September 1877 aged 66. He was also a mathematician studying celestial mechanics.

His first work in astronomy was presented in Academie de Sciences in September 1839, but his major work was discovering Neptune. He used mathematics and observations to predict that there was another planet. He spent months doing complex calculations and study Uranus's orbit. He used Newtons law of grvity to aid his result.

Urbain le Verrier 's
  • He did not know it, but an English astronomer John Couch Adams was doing something similar. Urbain announced his results two days before John Adams sent a letter to the Royal Greenwich Observatory. On September 18th, Urbain sent a letter to the Berlin observatory and the planet was found by the Berlin Fraunhofer refractor five days later. 

Urbain had a wife and children.

He died in Paris in 1877. His tomb has a globe on top. A phrase was engraved in French which translate into "the man who discovered a planet with the point of his pen"

Thursday 15 August 2013

Picture- a solar flare

This "hoop" of gas will emit electrons that will disable electronics if its too

Famous Astronomers- Brian Cox

Brian Cox was born on the 3rd of March 1968 in Chadderton. He attended North Chadderton.

Brian Cox speaking at the
Royal Institute.
He studied at Manchester University where he got a PHD in 1998. In 2003 he got married to Gia Milinovich and had two children Moki and George. George was born on the 26th of may 2009

Brian has published many books such as wonders of the solar system, wonders of the Universe, ATLAS and many more. He has hosted many TV programmes such as wonders of the solar system, stargazing.He has also been a panellist on QI and would I lie to you!  He is a particle physicist who is researching quantum particles.

Well that's it! One more famous astronomer and this topic is done. I will try to keep posting, even if it is picture of the day.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

picture- Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B

This Binary system is the closest to our
solar system

Famous Astronomers-Ptolemy

Claudius Ptolemy was born in AD 90 and died in AD 168. He lived in Alexandria and not many details are known about him.

Ptolemy made many discoveries, but many estimates, which are quite close to what it actually is. He also studied geography and mathematics. He was interested in astrology and soon became an astrologer.

well I'm afraid that's it. Sorry it was short, but I struggled to find details. I might edit this in the short future.
Well tomorrow, we will be talking about Brian Cox.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Picture-The centre of the Galaxy

The picture of the day as chosen by Max Stockton!

Famous Astronomers-Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus was born on the 19th of February 1473 and died on the 24th of may 1543 aged 70. His mother was Barbara Watzenrode and his father was Nicolaus Copernicus- he was named after his father.

He went to several universities including the University of Krakow.

Copernicus discovered many things that laid down the basics of astronomy such as heliocentrism (that the planets revolved around the sun, not the earth) and also did Copernicus law.

He ended up dying  of apoplexy and paralysis.

well thats it, Sorry it was short, i couldn't find much information. Tune in tommorow for a new astronomer ;)

Monday 12 August 2013

Picture- Earth at night!

all the lights are from buildings, lamp posts and other sources!

Famous astronomers- stephen hawking

Stephan hawking was born on the 8th of January 1942. He is still alive today aged 71. He was born in Oxford. He mother was Isobel Hawking and father was Frank Hawking. He has two sisters, Phillipa and Mary and an adopted brother, Edward. He went to Oxford university in 1959. He was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at the age of 21 and given 2 years to live. 
He got married to Jane Wilde and had two sons, Robert in 1969 and timothy in 1979.He also has a daughter called Lucy born in 1970. His discoveries include Hawking radiation and singularity Theorems. He has won many awards such as the Albert Einstein award, Copley medal, the Wolf prize and many more. 

He has published a few books such as a brief history of time. 

well that's it for today, remember to check in tomorrow, where Copernicus will be making an appearance!

Sunday 11 August 2013

Picture-An exoplanet

Going back to the first post with an artists conception of one.
An exoplanet

Famous Astronomers- Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was born on the 15th of February 1564 and died on the 8th of January 1642 aged 77.

He was born in Pisa. He had 6 siblings and his father was Vincenzo Galilei.
Galileo Galilei's portrait!

He made improvements to the telescope and discovered Jupiter's biggest moons,named the Galilean moons. He observed sun spots and analysed them. He also made improvement to many other instruments like the military compass. He also believed that the planets revolved around sun.

He stood up to the church in 1615 with the fact that the planets revolved around the sun, not Earth, but was convicted with heresy and got placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. Where he died.

Well that's it, tomorrow will be Stephen Hawkin. So tune in tomorrow.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Picture-The Large Hadron Collider

This is the machine that found
the Higgs Boson!

famous astronomers- Edward Hubble

O.k, i know I've been awhile, i was just planning and researching.

Well I thought I'd start with legends, so Edward Hubble was the one to choose first!

Edward Hubble
So, Edward Powell Hubble was born on the 20th of November 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri, U.S. He died on the 28th of September 1953 aged 63 years old. His mother was Virginia lee James and his father was John Powell Hubble. He had two sisters and two brothers. At university he studied law, but took courses in science and maths. His wife was called Grace Burke, they got married on the 26th of February 1924.

His most important discovery happened in the 1920's when he looked through the most powerful telescope of the time. He saw faint patches of light and thought that there were more galaxies, proving that the universe went past the milky way galaxy!

The Hubble telescope was launched in 1990 and was made in honor of Edward Hubble. It is planned to be disbanded in 2014, but could last until 2020. Its successor will be the James Webb Space Telescope and will be launched in 2018.

I will be doing Galileo Galilei next! Sorry again I was away for a while, and have been before, but I've been concentrating on school.

So see you!  ;)

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Picture- The very large Array

Could you see this from space?!

Dwarf planets

First, thank you for three hundred page views, i never thought I'd be here, I know its not much but it means a lot to me. Anyway, without further ado, lets begin!

Dwarf planets are planets with a maximum of 500 km and an unclear orbit. There are four in our solar system, Pluto, Makemake, Eris and Ceres. Ceres is in the Asteroid belt and the rest are in the Oort cloud or the Keiper belt.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


The final planet in the system. It has 13 moons and quite big rings. One of neptune's moons, titan, will crash into neptune and make rings for saturn to contend with. It takes 164 years to travel round the sun and it has an atmosphere of methane, hydrogen and helium. One day on neptune is 16 hours.

Well thats it, bye!

Neptune as taken by the voyager

Monday 3 June 2013


Saturn is the sixth and second largest planet in our solar system. Its atmosphere is made up of methane and its rings of rock and ice. Saturn is well known for its rings of rocks and ice. The rocks scale up to 2 km to a speck of dust! It also has auroras. Saturn can have winds up to 300 mph. It has 60 moons.

Picture-ring nebula

This most be very expensive


Ok, get the laughter out of you! Uranus is a gas giant with rings. It's axis is the opposite to Earths and it has 27 moons. Its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and methane. It takes roughly 17 hours to have one day and takes 84 years to orbit the sun.

Wednesday 29 May 2013