
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Sunday 25 August 2013

How the universe could end

I think I've already done this, so if I have, count this as a re-post.

There a several theories of how the universe could end, but the main three are the big crunch, the big rip and the big freeze. The big crunch states that the universe will start to contract until it collapses in on its self. The big rip is when dark energy takes over dark matter and the expansion of the universe goes so fast that it rips everything apart, starting with the biggest objects. The final theory is the big freeze, where the stars will eventually burn out and the galaxies will eventually fade out until there is nothing left in the universe.

All of these won't happen for trillions of years which means we'll all be dead by then.

I can't post for around a week due to some events that have happened, but until them, good bye

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