A nebula (nebulae is the plural) is a cloud of gas in a galaxy which stars are born in. As the soon to be star's gravity grabs the gas surrounding it, it ignites into a protostar. Some protostars are so massive that they explode before they start a nuclear fusion. A nuclear fusion is where the star starts burning hydrogen. Some nebulae take animal or human-like shapes like the horse head nebula which I posted yesterday. Or the Eskimo nebula which is going to be posted at the end of this post. Most nebulae contain of the gasses hydrogen,helium and a very,very small amount of methane. The amount of gas the star gets to grow usually depends on how big the nebulae, nebulae can grow from less than a light year to 100 light years or more. A nebulae called a planetary nebulae are the remnants of a sun like stars death. These rarely produce stars and sometimes don't before the white dwarf in the middle of the nebulae fades away. A famous planetary nebula is the cat's eye nebula, which I will also be posting at the end of this post, which is now do tune in tommorow for another juicy fact!

Eskimo nebula
cat's eye nebula