
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Friday 25 November 2011

Long time, no fact

Sorry I haven't been able to post for nearly 2 months, it's just because information is running low. Any way, today's topic is active galaxies, to understand this, you must read the galaxies post i did. Basically, active galaxies are highly, radioactive galaxies, most of these are young galaxies, probably 1 billion years old. There are 4 mains types of active galaxies, Seyfert,Quasar (not to be confused with the caravan manufacturer) Blazar (similar to Quasars) and six packs (not to be confused with muscles in the abdomen) Quasars are active galaxies with streams of highly charged sub atomic particles emanating from it's centre. These streams can spread across 2 light years! Seyfert are spiral galaxies that have a highly radioactive centre, scientists think all spiral galaxies are seyferts in one point in there life. Six packs are 6 seyferts near each other and Blazars are not really clear, they are like Quasars but emanating protons.