
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Friday 9 September 2011

Stars part 1

This part of the stars subject is about the main sequence stars. The main sequence stars can range from the O type star to the M type star. But mass is the bit that divides it into the main sequence, there's low mass stars, sun like stars and high mass stars. All stars are produced in nebulae which i explained yesterday. Most stars contain of hydrogen and helium. Stars also contain of super heated plasma which can sometimes start violent explosions on the suns surface called solar flares which is where negative charged electrons explode out of the star and fly out of the solar system. Some stars have so powerful solar flares that they could easily overload the national power grid. Watch the video above to learn more about solar flares. all suns have  photosphere, a corona, a transition layer, a radioactive zone and the core. Some stars have a thicker transition layer and some have a thinner transition layer. Well thats it, tune in for part and also enjoy this diagram of a sun like star.