
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Picture-A clue!

Just a clue for the next post!

Voyager 2

Sorry I've been away... no excuses. Anyway I'm back and be sure to check out the new universe daily youtube channel. I will post the URL at the end.

Voyager 2 was an unmanned spacecraft that was sent into space in 1977. Its mission was to study the outer solar system and then interstellar space. It carries a gold disc should it ever be found by intelligent life and it contains photos of Earth and its lifeforms and a medley of the Earth containing many natural noises such as a whale song, a crying baby etc. Voyager 2 is now moving at 15,428 km/s. It was disbanded in 1989, however it still sends transmissions and scientists still locate where about it is.

Ok guys that is it for today. The youtube channel url is