
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Theory- life on Europa?

Again this will be quite shorter than the other posts because its quite short, however I might go on about the possibility that there was life on mars, so without further-a-do, lets go.

Jupiter's moon, Europa
Europa is one of Jupiter's moons. It is thought there is a ocean underneath its icy surface heated by volcanoes underwater. This was thought when sulphur traces were found on it's moon. Europa also emitted infrared signal which could mean that frozen bacteria is on its surface, many scientists believe this is why Europa has a red tinge in it's surface.

Mars has been thought to have once had life on it, furthermore some scientists claim life came from Mars to Earth. Past rovers on Mars have discovered smoothed down rock, meaning water eroded away to make a river bed. Mars also has ice caps just like Earth, astronomers think that if they drill down into ice, they may find preserved bacteria!

That's today's theory, post suggestions on the one for tomorrow. See you!

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