
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Sunday 18 August 2013


The sun taken by NASA
A star is a ball of hot gas and plasma reaching temperatures of up to 25,000 kelvin but can go as low as 2,500 kelvin. Stars can be classified by their colour and size by letter these go from: M at the lowest then K,G,F,A,B and then O at the highest, but we will go into more detail later in the topic.

A star has different layers beginning  with the corona , the next is the Chromosphere  which is the only thing to be seen during a total solar eclipse, then its the photosphere and is the visible bit, following that is the Convective zone, after that is the radioactive zone and finally is the core, which reaches 30 million fahrenheit

Well that's the introduction, I know I've touched on stars before, but now its in detail so tomorrow will be the birth of a star so tune in.

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