
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Saturday 26 November 2011

Solar system:The basics

As i want to make my blog more organised, I'm learning to do a horizontal tabs bar.

This tab is the solar system.

The basics

The solar system has the sun placed slap bang in the centre,the sun produces heat and gravity to keep the 8 planets in orbit. The 8 planets in order of closest to the sun to the farthest are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus (Don't laugh!) and Neptune. You may be wondering why Pluto isn't in there, well, in 2006, the European astronomy association decided that Pluto was one of many Dwarf planets in the solar system. Dwarf planets are small planets that don't have a clear orbit. (meaning there isn't a large amount of material in it's orbit. Between Mars and Jupiter is the asteroid belt, home to the other 3 most famous dwarf planets. They are: Eris, Makemake and Ceres. Another asteroid belt but a smaller one is in Pluto's orbit called the Keiper belt and beyond that, a bigger asteroid belt than the Keiper belt is the Oort cloud. And that is where our solar system is complete.

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