
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Monday 28 November 2011


This is the starting point for the next four topics. Atoms are matter that make up everything. Atoms cannot be seen by the naked eye, so you need a electron microscope. (Don't get one unless you want your whole neighbour hood to loose all their electricity)  Atoms are simple if you get it. Basically, to make an atom, you need electrons. If you like, think about the atom as a solar system. The sun is the nucleus (centre) and then the protons and neutrons are sun spots, and then then the electrons are planets whizzing around the gravity of the sun or the nucleus and sunspots. The electrical charges of the sub atomic particles are: Protons=positive. nucleus=none. Neutron:none. Electron=negative. The orbit of the electrons or planets are called shells. Well that's it Universe daily fans, Bye.

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