
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Sunday 29 September 2013

Picture-Martian rock

Pioneer 10 and 11

Pioneer 10 was launched in 1972 to go to Jupiter, while pioneer 11 was launched a year later in the same direction. They were both launched from a Atlas/centaur/TE364-4 launch vehicle.

Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to take pictures of Jupiter, along with other measurements such as magnetic field and radiation. It travels at 82,000 miles per hour. It was also the first spacecraft to go through the asteroid belt, which back then was an incredible achievement. Pioneer 10 was ended in 1997, but it surpassed Pluto's orbit, which means it could be outside the solar system!

Not much is known about pioneer 11, which is unfortunate, but it was shut down in 1995 when it broke.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

picture-All the galaxy clusters

Voyager 1

This year, Voyager 1 was the first man-made space craft to exit the solar system after 36 years of travelling at sixty five thousand kilometers per second!. It was launched in September 1977 and has taken photographs of the outer planets, many of which we see today. These include, the first photo of Neptune and Uranus.

Voyager 1 is equipped with a gold plate, with a phonograph, explaining the diversity of life on Earth.

This is the new topic-satellites and voyagers. Check in tomorrow for pioneer 10 and 11. Also string theory will come later on, its just really hard to get a grasp of.

Friday 13 September 2013

Picture-Orion Constellation

blue and red stars are orion

Theory-nothing exists

This is not really to do with space, but it can tie into it. The theory states that nothing exists (also know as solipsism), and everything is an illusion, apart from you and your mind. A famous philosopher, Rene Descartes said "I think, therefore I am" which meant he existed. The external world, others, even if it does exist, cannot be known. Which could mean, this blog is an illusion, and the universe, but you are you.

O.K. This is getting too deep, if it went any deeper, we'd hit the core! I might not post tomorrow, but it depends on the circumstances. See you!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Picture-The sky in 4 billion years

When Andromeda collides with us, we'll see this!

Theory- Multi-verse theory

Brian and Stewie in a disney
This is my favourite theory. You might have seen this in Family Guy, but it actually is a real theory!

It states that there are infinite universes other than the one we live in. It also says that everyone is different in the tiniest way to the largest way possible, for example, the world could be made out of chocolate or pizza (big) or my computer screen is one inch wider (small).

Another small post! The smaller than usual posts are just a build up to string theory... the theory of modern physics, it will be in two parts and may take a while to be posted, so while you wait, put in suggestions for other theories.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Picture-Hubble deep field

Universe daily's cover photo. Each light is a galaxy!

Theory- life on Europa?

Again this will be quite shorter than the other posts because its quite short, however I might go on about the possibility that there was life on mars, so without further-a-do, lets go.

Jupiter's moon, Europa
Europa is one of Jupiter's moons. It is thought there is a ocean underneath its icy surface heated by volcanoes underwater. This was thought when sulphur traces were found on it's moon. Europa also emitted infrared signal which could mean that frozen bacteria is on its surface, many scientists believe this is why Europa has a red tinge in it's surface.

Mars has been thought to have once had life on it, furthermore some scientists claim life came from Mars to Earth. Past rovers on Mars have discovered smoothed down rock, meaning water eroded away to make a river bed. Mars also has ice caps just like Earth, astronomers think that if they drill down into ice, they may find preserved bacteria!

That's today's theory, post suggestions on the one for tomorrow. See you!