
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Thursday 16 August 2012


OK, well first of all, sorry everyone I completely forgot about this Blog and now there's nothing new to read, I apologise greatly for this (Maybe I shouldn't have put the title as Universe "Daily!")

Anyway, so back to our solar system section of items- Mercury (Not to be confused with the poisonous liquid or the Greek messenger.)The planet's name was named after the Greek  messenger Mercury (based on some Greek Myths), who delivered messages to mortals and gods alike. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, at approximately 58 million miles away from the sun.This planet only takes 88 Earth days to orbit the sun. However, one day on mercury is 59 Earth days, so there's only one and a bit days in a Mercury year.

So, you may think that because Mercury is the closest to our sun, that it is warm all the time. Wrong. Mercury can actually drop in temperature to a whopping -180 Celsius, colder than the Earth could ever reach! In the day, mercury can reach a metal melting, 400 Celsius!
A photo of Mercury taken from the
messenger probe.
Interesting Facts

  • Mercury is a rocky planet in the inner zone of the solar system (The first four planets or before the asteroid belt.) 
  • It has no moons and no atmosphere, nor an active core.
  • Astronomers found that the surface of Mercury was thicker a few million years ago, but evidence has shown that there was a huge collision with a planet that did not survive the creation of the our solar system.
  • The mass of Mercury compared to Earth is 0.06 ( 1 60th.)
Well that's it for today and hopefully I'll be updating more, good bye, my fellow readers.

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