
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Tuesday 6 September 2011

first post,first fact

I will be posting about space facts everyday (if I can) i will explore space in depth or maybe in 2 parts or more. Ok, so my first fact, Exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets outside of our own solar system. Most exoplanets are Jupiter sized planets or bigger. But out of the 500 exoplanets discovered in our galaxy, a small fraction are rocky like Earth.And those that are, are not in the habitable zone of their star. But scientists have estimated that there are more than 1 trillion planets in our galaxy alone. Some containing single celled organisms and some containing intelligent life like our own. Despite Humans attempts to contact other intelligent life in other solar systems, most that arrived at their destination have failed, however,a majority of the ones that have not reached their destination yet will reach the destination in the next decade. And the rest will span from 100 years to 50,000 years. So the future to contact other civilizations looks bright and promising. Unfortunately, the SETI programme ran out of funds this year so it may damage our chances of finding other life but it probably will be set up again after the current recession is over. On the next post I will be covering drakes equation and the key points for intelligent life in our universe and what we can do to prevent our extinction. That is your daily post from my blog, universe daily.

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