
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

eras of the big bang

The first era was the planck epoch which did't last very long.Next was the  inflationary epoch that lasted less than a millisecond , after that the electroweak epoch was when the weak force and the electromagnetism forces went into the universe and combined. The next period was he quark epoch when quarks flooded into the universe. Then the Hadron epoch where quarks and anti quarks formed to make sub atomic particles. The lepton epoch came first this is where the battle between matter and antimatter took place or should I say anti leptons and leptons. After that battle the photon epoch began. This was when the photons dominated the universe and the sub atomic particles still had a part in the universe. The era of nucleosynthesis was where photons formed the first helium and hydrogen. The opaque era was when the sub atomic particles interacted with photons to make the universe full of gas and "fog." The last era is the atomic epoch where the first atoms appeared.


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