
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Sunday 11 September 2011

The big bang

The big bang is where everything was created. The big bang is where the universe was born. The big bang was 13.7 billion years ago. But before that the universe was just a bit bigger than the smallest unit of measurement. It was hot,about 1 trillion trillion trillion billion Centigrade. It was dense, very dense. Suddenly, the earliest universe exploded to the size of a tennis ball and kept growing. Every particle that exists nowadays was created in the big bang. Infact even anti matter existed. Anti matter is like normal matter except the electrical charges in the sub atomic particles are opposite. This imbalance created a large scale war between antimatter. This could decide the fate of the universe. A universe full of matter, no universe at all or a universe full of antimatter. There was one small imbalance that made us have a universe matter. A dense matter called an X boson and an anti X boson have half -lives (when the matter decays to create another matter or element) this imbalance is for when every X boson decays into 1,000,000 particles, there are 99,999 anti particles when an anti X boson decays. After the gargantuan fight to decide the fate of the universe was over, matter joined to make the first atoms and they kept joing to make heavier elements and chemicles and compounds until we have the universe we have today. So all thanks to the big bang, we could be born and live on this wonderful planet of ours. Well that's it folks, tune in tommorow  for another fact.

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