
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Monday 9 December 2013

Picture-Another clue!

The Christmas bauble of space!
Not really, its just a
clue to the next

The James Webb Telescope

The James Webb telescope (named after the former NASA administrator) is a space telescope to be launched in 2018. It will replace the Hubble telescope.

The James Webb telescope has cutting edge technology equipped and a space dock to hold shipments of supplies or astronauts. It mainly uses infrared and with this technology it will be able to see forming stars look into the early universe. At the moment, NASA in running the project but other companies such as the
European space agency are also contributing. It was announced in 2008 and when launched, will be operated by huge numbers of astronomers.

That is it for today. Remember to check out the Youtube channel:

Sunday 8 December 2013

Picture-Space debris

A concern for many Astronomers and Environmentalists

Hubble telescope

Now the Hubble telescope is a brilliant telescope that has provided the most beautiful pictures, including the picture on the home page.  It was launched into low orbit by a space shuttle in 1990, however it was supposed to be launched in 1983 but could not find enough funding and there were some technology malfunctions. It will be in service until 2018 where the James Webb telescope will replace it.

The Hubble space telescope
The Hubble telescope has been fundamental to Astrophysics like helping Astronomers to work out the universe is expanding and more recently, dark energy. Its light spectrum goes from near Infrared to visible to near ultraviolet. During its lifetime, it has had many parts fixed, replaced and added. It had also had many small spacecrafts dock at it as well. Overall, it has cost a whopping 2.5 billion dollars to build and maintain. It is the second most expensive object to be put in space, the first being the international space station which  costs a huge amount of 150 billion dollars!

Well this is it for today. I hope you enjoyed it and check back tomorrow. Also check out the Youtube channel:

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Picture-A clue!

Just a clue for the next post!

Voyager 2

Sorry I've been away... no excuses. Anyway I'm back and be sure to check out the new universe daily youtube channel. I will post the URL at the end.

Voyager 2 was an unmanned spacecraft that was sent into space in 1977. Its mission was to study the outer solar system and then interstellar space. It carries a gold disc should it ever be found by intelligent life and it contains photos of Earth and its lifeforms and a medley of the Earth containing many natural noises such as a whale song, a crying baby etc. Voyager 2 is now moving at 15,428 km/s. It was disbanded in 1989, however it still sends transmissions and scientists still locate where about it is.

Ok guys that is it for today. The youtube channel url is