
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Picture- The very large Array

Could you see this from space?!

Dwarf planets

First, thank you for three hundred page views, i never thought I'd be here, I know its not much but it means a lot to me. Anyway, without further ado, lets begin!

Dwarf planets are planets with a maximum of 500 km and an unclear orbit. There are four in our solar system, Pluto, Makemake, Eris and Ceres. Ceres is in the Asteroid belt and the rest are in the Oort cloud or the Keiper belt.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


The final planet in the system. It has 13 moons and quite big rings. One of neptune's moons, titan, will crash into neptune and make rings for saturn to contend with. It takes 164 years to travel round the sun and it has an atmosphere of methane, hydrogen and helium. One day on neptune is 16 hours.

Well thats it, bye!

Neptune as taken by the voyager

Monday 3 June 2013


Saturn is the sixth and second largest planet in our solar system. Its atmosphere is made up of methane and its rings of rock and ice. Saturn is well known for its rings of rocks and ice. The rocks scale up to 2 km to a speck of dust! It also has auroras. Saturn can have winds up to 300 mph. It has 60 moons.

Picture-ring nebula

This most be very expensive


Ok, get the laughter out of you! Uranus is a gas giant with rings. It's axis is the opposite to Earths and it has 27 moons. Its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and methane. It takes roughly 17 hours to have one day and takes 84 years to orbit the sun.