
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Wednesday 29 May 2013

picture-Jupiter the bodyguard

You see the white oval? That's Jupiter smashing a meteorite


The 5th planet in the solar system and the first gas giant, it is also the biggest planet. The majority of its atmosphere is made up of methane. It has had a storm in it for 300 year, you may know this as the red spot!
It has very thin rings from moons that has been smashed apart. A surprising fact about Jupiter is that it took only 10,000 years to form, which is very fast in astronomical terms.
Jupiter is like a body guard for Earth, as it smashes meteorites, that would otherwise hit Earth. Without Jupiter, we would possibly be dead by now. Another fact is that Jupiter has 63 moons and its gravitational field stretches over to Saturn!
Well guys that's it, see you!

Monday 27 May 2013

Picture- the pillars of life nebula

Birth, marriage,parenthood and death... Done!

The asteroid belt

There is not really much to say on this except its a belt of rock between mars and Jupiter, it is home to Ceres,  a dwarf planet. The asteroid belt was formed when planets crashed into each other when the solar system was young. Most asteroids that hit planets come from here!
I know it was a short article, but the asteroid belt has nothing much to it.
Diagram of the inner solar system.
The white bit is the asteroid belt.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Picture- Milky way

Part of the Milky way as taken by NASA


Getting back on track to the solar system topic, Mars.

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system, between the asteroid belt and Earth. It is a hub for rovers exploring it's surface, and hopes of finding water on it. Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system, Mount Olympus. Mars has two moons, Phobos and deimos, in which one will fly into deep space and one will crash into mars.
Curiosity Rover "Roving along"
The curiosity rover, a state of the art rover is currently on Mars studying rocks and mountains.

Mars is nicknamed the red planet due to it's red like rocks and dust.
Mars is also thought to have once had water, due to smoothed down stones on its surface.

Well that's it peeps, see you tomorrow!
Mars as pictured by a sattilite

Saturday 25 May 2013

Picture-Saturn's southern lights

Because we're not the only ones!

The Higgs Boson

A bit late, but this discovery is going change astronomy forever. It was discovered in March when the large hadron collider was performing  an experiment, in which scientists discovered a bit of matter which matched the properties when it was first thought of. So what is a higgs boson, you ask?
Well, its a type of atom, when it decays, releases around 100,000 normal atoms or matter. An X boson, is antimatter, which releases 99,999 antimatter when decayed, which is why we have a matter universe.
I was really inspired when this discovery came out, and really happy that it has been proved.

Well that's my article today, g'bye peeps :)

Friday 24 May 2013

Picture- sombrero galaxy

A normal sombrero is big, but this is overkill!

Earth part 2

Sorry i have not posted in a while, but anyway, we had some basic facts in part 1, well now I'll be talking about the underground of earth and many other things associated with that subject. So without further a do, lets go.

So the Earth has a mantle, which is split into two parts, the upper  and the lower, which are 2,900km deep combined and normally 500 to 900 degrees Celsius. The temperature is around Then the crust, which we stand on and is about 70 kilometres deep, the temperature varies. next is the outer core which is liquid and 2,216km deep and is made out of iron and nickel, it is around 5000 degrees Celsius. The inner core is solid and is again, made out of iron and nickel and is 1,220 km deep and is around 5000 degrees Celsius. well that's it, here is a little diagram to help you. Bye peeps!