
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Sunday 18 March 2012

Dark Flow & Dark Fluid

New to the astronomy universe, dark flow is something to do with the velocity of galaxies. This is very ambiguous, but dark flow was only found out four years ago. Basically, the velocity is the velocity predicted by the sum in Hubble's law.

Dark Fluid is the most unclear force to scientists. Not much is known about it and I find it VERY hard to understand, probably due to my lack of knowledge in equations, but if you want to find out about dark fluid and dark flow (as this is the most ambiguous subject to me) then click this link. and

Saturday 17 March 2012

Dark Energy

Opposite in it's effects to dark matter, dark energy pushes things apart while dark matter pushes things together. Dark energy is predominant in the universe. About 70% is dark energy, 29% is dark matter and 1% is cosmic dust. Dark energy is what is causing the expansion of our universe, and as dark energy "wins" the battle against dark matter, the expansion will become so fast, the universe could end in the big rip, where everything rips apart, even atoms. But don't worry, that won't happen for another ten trillion years.

Thursday 8 March 2012


Continuing on the atoms topic, I will be talking about Anti-matter, the opposite of matter. To the untrained eye, anti -matter will look like normal matter, but there are slight differences such as the electric charges which are opposite. So, the proton is negative, the electron is positive (known as a positron) and the nucleus and the neutron have no charge. Anti-matter and matter will obliterate each other on collision.
In recent science, scientists have the ability to make anti- matter in huge machinery and in even more recent science, scientists have captured anti -matter for fifteen minutes, which allowed for deeper understanding of this mysterious type of particle.