
Hubble's deep field image

Hubble's deep field image

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Picture-a black hole

The International Space Station

The International space station. A beautiful, spectacular and a fantasy of many sci-fi fans that came to life. The International space station cost 150 billion pounds and currently orbits in low Earth Orbit. It was announced by Ronald Reagan in 1998 in order to improve relations between the Russian government and the US. It started with two modules, from America and Russia docking, which some said was the bonds between these once sworn enemies being strengthened.

Soon the world joined in, Japan added a research module called Kibo. Russia and the US added 12 more modules and the final being constructed in 2010 to be used as an observatory.

The International Space Station has been manned for 13 years becoming the longest continuous prescence of Humans in space. It currently houses 6 crew members. The latest commander is Koichi Wakata the first Japanese commander of the ISS and again marks the strengthening of bonds between two once sworn

The ISS is being funded until 2024 but will be functional until 2028 before being deorbited.

That's it for today, a long post, I hope you enjoyed and remember to vote on the poll on which subject to do next!

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Picture- The ISS

A 150 billion pounds project which brought the sci-fi
ideas of a space station to fruition!


So I haven't posted in a while and I think it's about time that I do again. So what is Sputnik? Sputnik is the first man made object ever sent to space. This kicked off the space race between Russia and the USA but that is for another day. Sputnik as you saw on the picture is a Russian satellite. It had a metal ball and then 4 radio antenna's protruding out of it. Launched in 1957 this "cute" satellite was only 58 cm (22 inches) in diameter. It was used to broadcast from space as amateur and professional broadcasters listening in from across the world. The signals lasted for 22 days before it burnt up in re-entry after 3 months in low earth elliptical orbit.
A picture of Sputnik in orbit

The probe was launched by a general rocket propulsion system before being detached, as said before, in low Earth orbit.

So that's it for today, I will post the picture of the day. The satellite topic is nearly over, I'd say about four or five satellites (possibly more) I will also put a poll up for people to pick what topic next. There will be three options- The space race, Apollo missions or Particles in space ( if particles wins make sure to check the particle series I did previously. So I will post tomorrow and remember to comment on any mistakes or suggestions.

Monday 9 December 2013

Picture-Another clue!

The Christmas bauble of space!
Not really, its just a
clue to the next

The James Webb Telescope

The James Webb telescope (named after the former NASA administrator) is a space telescope to be launched in 2018. It will replace the Hubble telescope.

The James Webb telescope has cutting edge technology equipped and a space dock to hold shipments of supplies or astronauts. It mainly uses infrared and with this technology it will be able to see forming stars look into the early universe. At the moment, NASA in running the project but other companies such as the
European space agency are also contributing. It was announced in 2008 and when launched, will be operated by huge numbers of astronomers.

That is it for today. Remember to check out the Youtube channel:

Sunday 8 December 2013